Having Arthritis, fibromyalgia and joint pain is certainly no joke. There are lots of treatments out there to help. Ansaid is an anti-inflammatory drug which is very efficient and is tolerated by the body well. It can reduce pain from inflammation of joints caused by rheumatism and various forms of arthritis.
Treatment Details:
As Ansaid could increase the risk of developing ulcers and stomach bleeding, patients should not have a history of digestive problems. Arthritis is an ongoing condition; therefore Ansaid requires long-term administration and constant medical monitoring. Your doctor will advise that you take Ansaid with food or an antacid to reduce any possible digestive problems. However, Ansaid is normally tolerated by the body well.
What side effects can be expected?
Ansaid could be potentially dangerous only for people with digestive problems. In exceptional cases, patients could feel some slight discomfort. These could include diarrhea and abdominal pain, stomach aches and nausea and swelling due to fluid retention and urinary tract infections. If there is fluid retention, this could cause weight gain and therefore Ansaid cannot be used in conjunction with water pills or diuretics. This is important because if such precautions are not taken, this could lead to kidney problems.
In a similar vein, Ansaid should not be taken if you suffer from heart problems or you take blood thinning medication as Ansaid can slow down blood clotting. For example, in the case of an open wound, the body's capacity to heal would be slower.
Other issues with Ansaid medication
Although you may have to take antacids because of the risk of developing digestive problems, it is also true that Ansaid absorption may be impaired because of the combination with medication such as Zantac.
Furthermore, please do not ignore a former sensitivity to aspirin, since there are some common working principles for Ansaid and asprin. Also, Ansaid could cause digestive problems, so please avoid spicy food or anything likely to cause indigestion during treatment with Ansaid.
You can buy Ansaid here
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Arkaig_Roe's weblog
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